Source code for openmmtools.utils.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python

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General utility functions for the repo.


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import re
import ast
import abc
import time
import math
import copy
import shutil
import inspect
import logging
import operator
import tempfile
import functools
import importlib
import contextlib
import warnings
import zlib

import numpy as np
    import openmm
    from openmm import unit
except ImportError:  # OpenMM < 7.6
    from simtk import openmm, unit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_directory(): """Context for safe creation of temporary directories.""" tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: yield tmp_dir finally: try: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) except Exception as e: # Warn that we weren't able to clean up completely logger.warning(e)
# ============================================================================= # BENCHMARKING UTILITIES # =============================================================================
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def time_it(task_name): """Context manager to log execution time of a block of code. Parameters ---------- task_name : str The name of the task that will be reported. """ timer = Timer() timer.start(task_name) yield timer # Resume program timer.stop(task_name) timer.report_timing()
[docs] def with_timer(task_name): """Decorator that logs the execution time of a function. Parameters ---------- task_name : str The name of the task that will be reported. """ def _with_timer(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with time_it(task_name): return func(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapper return _with_timer
[docs] class Timer(object): """A class with stopwatch-style timing functions. Examples -------- >>> timer = Timer() >>> timer.start('my benchmark') >>> for i in range(10): ... pass >>> elapsed_time = timer.stop('my benchmark') >>> timer.start('second benchmark') >>> for i in range(10): ... for j in range(10): ... pass >>> elsapsed_time = timer.stop('second benchmark') >>> timer.report_timing() """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.reset_timing_statistics()
def reset_timing_statistics(self, benchmark_id=None): """Reset the timing statistics. Parameters ---------- benchmark_id : str, optional If specified, only the timings associated to this benchmark id will be reset, otherwise all timing information are. """ if benchmark_id is None: self._t0 = {} self._t1 = {} self._completed = {} else: self._t0.pop(benchmark_id, None) self._t1.pop(benchmark_id, None) self._completed.pop(benchmark_id, None) def start(self, benchmark_id): """Start a timer with given benchmark_id.""" self._t0[benchmark_id] = time.time() def stop(self, benchmark_id): try: t0 = self._t0[benchmark_id] except KeyError: logger.warning("Can't stop timing for {}".format(benchmark_id)) else: self._t1[benchmark_id] = time.time() elapsed_time = self._t1[benchmark_id] - t0 self._completed[benchmark_id] = elapsed_time return elapsed_time def partial(self, benchmark_id): """Return the elapsed time of the given benchmark so far.""" try: t0 = self._t0[benchmark_id] except KeyError: logger.warning("Couldn't return partial timing for {}".format(benchmark_id)) else: return time.time() - t0 def report_timing(self, clear=True): """Log all the timings at the debug level. Parameters ---------- clear : bool If True, the stored timings are deleted after being reported. Returns ------- elapsed_times : dict The dictionary benchmark_id : elapsed time for all benchmarks. """ for benchmark_id, elapsed_time in self._completed.items(): logger.debug('{} took {:8.3f}s'.format(benchmark_id, elapsed_time)) if clear is True: self.reset_timing_statistics()
# ============================================================================= # STRING MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION PARSING UTILITIES # ============================================================================= # Dict reserved_keyword: compiled_regex_pattern. This is used by _RESERVED_WORDS_PATTERNS = { 'lambda': re.compile(r'(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_])lambda(?![a-zA-Z0-9_])') }
[docs] def sanitize_expression(expression, variables): """Sanitize variables with an illegal Python name. Transform variable names in the string expression that are illegal in Python so that the expression can be evaluated in pure Python. Currently this just handle variables called with the reserved word 'lambda'. Parameters ---------- expression : str The mathematical expression as a string. variables : dict of str: float The variables in the expression. Returns ------- sanitized_expression : str The same mathematical expression that can be executed in Python. sanitized_variables : dict of str: float The updated variable names with their values. """ sanitized_variables = None sanitized_expression = expression # Substitute all reserved words in expression and variables. for word, pattern in _RESERVED_WORDS_PATTERNS.items(): if word in variables: # Don't make unneeded substitutions. if sanitized_variables is None: sanitized_variables = copy.deepcopy(variables) sanitized_word = '_sanitized__' + word sanitized_expression = pattern.sub(sanitized_word, sanitized_expression) variable_value = sanitized_variables.pop(word) sanitized_variables[sanitized_word] = variable_value # If no substitutions are made return same variables. if sanitized_variables is None: sanitized_variables = variables return sanitized_expression, sanitized_variables
[docs] def math_eval(expression, variables=None, functions=None): """Evaluate a mathematical expression with variables. All the functions in the standard module math are available together with - step(x) : Heaviside step function (1.0 for x=0) - step_hm(x) : Heaviside step function with half-maximum convention. - sign(x) : sign function (0.0 for x=0.0) Available operators are ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``**``, ``-x`` (negative), ``&``, ``and``, ``|``, and ``or`` **The operators ``and`` and ``or`` operate BITWISE and behave the same as ``&`` and ``|`` respectively as this function is not designed to handle logical operations.** If you provide sets, they must be as variables. Parameters ---------- expression : str The mathematical expression as a string. variables : dict of str: float, optional The variables in the expression, if any (default is None). functions : dict of str: callable function, optional Additional functions to teach the math eval statement how to handle. Built-in functions are 'step', 'step_hm', and 'sign' Returns ------- result The result of the evaluated expression. Examples -------- >>> expr = '-((x + ceil(y)) / z * 4 + step(-0.2))**2' >>> vars = {'x': 1, 'y': 1.9, 'z': 3} >>> math_eval(expr, vars) -16.0 """ # Supported operators. operators = {ast.Add: operator.add, ast.Sub: operator.sub, ast.Mult: operator.mul, ast.Div: operator.truediv, ast.Pow: operator.pow, ast.USub: operator.neg, ast.BitAnd: operator.and_, ast.And: operator.and_, ast.BitOr: operator.or_, ast.Or: operator.or_ } # Supported functions, not defined in math. extra_functions = {'step': lambda x: 1 * (x >= 0), 'step_hm': lambda x: 0.5 * (np.sign(x) + 1), 'sign': lambda x: np.sign(x)} # Allow overwrite of extra_functions. if functions is not None: extra_functions.update(functions) functions = extra_functions def _math_eval(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): return operators[type(node.op)](_math_eval(node.operand)) elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): return operators[type(node.op)](_math_eval(node.left), _math_eval(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp): # Parse ternary operator if len(node.values) > 2: # Left-to-right precedence. left_value = copy.deepcopy(node) left_value.values.pop(-1) else: left_value = node.values[0] return operators[type(node.op)](_math_eval(left_value), _math_eval(node.values[-1])) elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): try: return variables[] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Variable {} was not provided'.format( elif isinstance(node, ast.Call): args = [_math_eval(arg) for arg in node.args] try: return getattr(math,*args) except AttributeError: try: return functions[](*args) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Function {} is not supported'.format( else: raise TypeError('Cannot parse expression: {}'.format(expression)) if variables is None: variables = {} # Sanitized reserved words. expression, variables = sanitize_expression(expression, variables) return _math_eval(ast.parse(expression, mode='eval').body)
# ============================================================================= # QUANTITY UTILITIES # ============================================================================= def _changes_state(func): """Decorator to signal changes in TrackedQuantity.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.has_changed = True return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class TrackedQuantity(unit.Quantity): """A quantity that keeps track of whether it has been changed.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TrackedQuantity, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_changed = False def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice) and isinstance(self._value, np.ndarray): return TrackedQuantityView(self, super(TrackedQuantity, self).__getitem__(item)) # No need to track a copy. return super(TrackedQuantity, self).__getitem__(item) __setitem__ = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.__setitem__) __delitem__ = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.__delitem__) append = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.append) extend = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.extend) insert = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.insert) remove = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.remove) pop = _changes_state(unit.Quantity.pop) class TrackedQuantityView(unit.Quantity): """Keeps truck of a numpy view for TrackedQuantity.""" def __init__(self, tracked_quantity, *args, **kwargs): super(TrackedQuantityView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._tracked_quantity = tracked_quantity # Parent. def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): return TrackedQuantityView(self._tracked_quantity, super(TrackedQuantityView, self).__getitem__(item)) # No need to track a copy. return super(TrackedQuantityView, self).__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, key, value): super(TrackedQuantityView, self).__setitem__(key, value) self._tracked_quantity.has_changed = True # List of openmm.unit methods that are actually units and functions instead of base classes # Pre-computed to reduce run-time cost # Get the built-in units _VALID_UNITS = {method: getattr(unit, method) for method in dir(unit) if type(getattr(unit, method)) is unit.Unit} # Get the built in unit functions and make sure they are not just types _VALID_UNIT_FUNCTIONS = {method: getattr(unit, method) for method in dir(unit) if callable(getattr(unit, method)) and type(getattr(unit, method)) is not type}
[docs] def is_quantity_close(quantity1, quantity2, rtol=1e-10, atol=0.0): """Check if the quantities are equal up to floating-point precision errors. Parameters ---------- quantity1 : openmm.unit.Quantity The first quantity to compare. quantity2 : openmm.unit.Quantity The second quantity to compare. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance (default is 1e-10). atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance (default is 0.0). Returns ------- True if the quantities are equal up to approximately 10 digits. Raises ------ TypeError If the two quantities are of incompatible units. """ if not quantity1.unit.is_compatible(quantity2.unit): raise TypeError('Cannot compare incompatible quantities {} and {}'.format( quantity1, quantity2)) value1 = quantity1.value_in_unit_system(unit.md_unit_system) value2 = quantity2.value_in_unit_system(unit.md_unit_system) # np.isclose is not symmetric, so we make it so. if abs(value2) >= abs(value1): return np.isclose(value1, value2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) else: return np.isclose(value2, value1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def quantity_from_string(expression): """Special call to the math_eval function designed to handle openmm.unit Quantity strings All the functions in the standard module math are available together with most of the methods inside the openmm.unit module. Parameters ---------- expression : str The mathematical expression to rebuild a Quantityas a string. Returns ------- Quantity The result of the evaluated expression. Examples -------- >>> expr = '4 * kilojoules / mole' >>> quantity_from_string(expr) Quantity(value=4.000000000000002, unit=kilojoule/mole) """ # Supported functions, not defined in math. functions = _VALID_UNIT_FUNCTIONS # Define the units from openmm.unit as the variables variables = _VALID_UNITS # Eliminate nested quotes and excess whitespace expression = expression.strip('\'" ') # Handle a special case of the unit when it is just "inverse unit", e.g. Hz == /second if expression[0] == '/': expression = '(' + expression[1:] + ')**(-1)' return math_eval(expression, variables=variables, functions=functions) def typename(atype): """Convert a type object into a fully qualified typename. Parameters ---------- atype : type The type to convert Returns ------- typename : str The string typename. For example, >>> typename(type(1)) 'int' >>> import numpy >>> x = numpy.array([1,2,3], numpy.float32) >>> typename(type(x)) 'numpy.ndarray' """ if not isinstance(atype, type): raise Exception('Argument is not a type') modulename = atype.__module__ typename = atype.__name__ if modulename not in ['__builtin__', 'builtins']: typename = modulename + '.' + typename return typename # ============================================================================= # OPENMM PLATFORM UTILITIES # ============================================================================= def platform_supports_precision(platform, precision): """Determine whether the specified OpenMM Platform supports the specified minimum precision. Parameters ---------- platform : str or openmm.Platform The platform or platform name to check precision : str One of ['single', 'mixed', 'double'] Returns ------- is_supported : bool True if the platform supports the specified precision; False otherwise """ SUPPORTED_PRECISIONS = ['single', 'mixed', 'double'] assert precision in SUPPORTED_PRECISIONS, f"Precision {precision} must be one of {SUPPORTED_PRECISIONS}" if isinstance(platform, str): # Get the actual Platform object if the platform_name was specified platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform) if platform.getName() == 'Reference': # Reference is double precision return (precision == 'double') if platform.getName() == 'CPU': return precision in ['mixed'] if platform.getName() in ['CUDA', 'OpenCL']: properties = { 'Precision' : precision } system = openmm.System() system.addParticle(1.0) # Cannot create Context on a system with no particles integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(0.001) try: context = openmm.Context(system, integrator, platform, properties) del context, integrator return True except Exception as e: return False raise Exception(f"Platform {platform.getName()} unknown")
[docs] def get_available_platforms(minimum_precision='mixed'): """Return a list of the available OpenMM Platforms that can satisfy the requested minimum precision. Parameters ---------- minimum_precision : str, optional, default='mixed' One of [None, 'single', 'mixed', 'double'] If None, all available platforms will be returned. Returns ------- platforms : list of openmm.Platform Platforms that support specified minimumprecision """ platforms = [openmm.Platform.getPlatform(i) for i in range(openmm.Platform.getNumPlatforms())] if minimum_precision is not None: # Filter based on precision support platforms = [ platform for platform in platforms if platform_supports_precision(platform, minimum_precision) ] return platforms
[docs] def get_fastest_platform(minimum_precision='mixed'): """Return the fastest available platform. This relies on the hardcoded speed values in Platform.getSpeed(). Parameters ---------- minimum_precision : str, optional, default='mixed' One of ['single', 'mixed', 'double'] Returns ------- platform : openmm.Platform The fastest available platform. """ platforms = get_available_platforms(minimum_precision=minimum_precision) fastest_platform = max(platforms, key=lambda x: x.getSpeed()) return fastest_platform
# ============================================================================= # SERIALIZATION UTILITIES # ============================================================================= _SERIALIZED_MANGLED_PREFIX = '_serialized__'
[docs] def serialize(instance, **kwargs): """Serialize an object. The object must expose a __getstate__ method that returns a dictionary representation of its state. This will be passed to __setstate__ for deserialization. The function automatically handle the resolution of the correct class. Parameters ---------- instance : object An instance of a new style class. kwargs : Keyword arguments which are passed onto the __getstate__ function. If you implement your own class with a __getstate__ method, have it accept **kwargs and then manipulate them inside the __getstate__ method itself. These are primarily optimization settings and will not normally be publicly documented because they can fundamentally change how the "state" of an object is returned. Returns ------- serialization : dict A dictionary representation of the object that can be stored in several formats (e.g. JSON, YAML, HDF5) and reconstructed into the original object with deserialize(). """ module_name = instance.__module__ class_name = instance.__class__.__name__ try: serialization = instance.__getstate__(**kwargs) except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Cannot serialize class {} without a __getstate__ method'.format(class_name)) serialization[_SERIALIZED_MANGLED_PREFIX + 'module_name'] = module_name serialization[_SERIALIZED_MANGLED_PREFIX + 'class_name'] = class_name return serialization
[docs] def deserialize(serialization): """Deserialize an object. The original class must expose a __setstate__ that takes the dictionary representation of its state generated by its __getstate__. Parameters ---------- serialization : dict A dictionary generated by serialize(). Returns ------- instance : object An instance in the state given by serialization. """ names = [] for key in ['module_name', 'class_name']: try: names.append(serialization.pop(_SERIALIZED_MANGLED_PREFIX + key)) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot find {} in the serialization. Was the original object ' 'serialized with openmmtools.utils.serialize()?'.format(key)) module_name, class_name = names # unpack module = importlib.import_module(module_name) cls = getattr(module, class_name) instance = cls.__new__(cls) try: instance.__setstate__(serialization) except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Cannot deserialize class {} without a __setstate__ method'.format(class_name)) except KeyError as e: # Key not found in options/variables -- backward compatibility for <=0.21.4 warnings.warn(f"Key {e} not found in {instance.__class__.__name__}.") return instance
# ============================================================================= # METACLASS UTILITIES # ============================================================================= # TODO Remove this when we drop Python 2 support.
[docs] def with_metaclass(metaclass, *bases): """Create a base class with a metaclass. Imported from six (MIT license): Provide a Python2/3 compatible way to create a metaclass. """ # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with # the actual metaclass. class Metaclass(metaclass): def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): return metaclass(name, bases, d) return type.__new__(Metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})
[docs] class SubhookedABCMeta(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Abstract class with an implementation of __subclasshook__. The __subclasshook__ method checks that the instance implement the abstract properties and methods defined by the abstract class. This allow classes to implement an abstraction without explicitly subclassing it. Examples -------- >>> class MyInterface(SubhookedABCMeta): ... @abc.abstractmethod ... def my_method(self): pass >>> class Implementation(object): ... def my_method(self): return True >>> isinstance(Implementation(), MyInterface) True """ @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass): for abstract_method in cls.__abstractmethods__: if not any(abstract_method in C.__dict__ for C in subclass.__mro__): return False return True
[docs] def find_all_subclasses(parent_cls, discard_abstract=False, include_parent=True): """Return a set of all the classes inheriting from ``parent_cls``. The functions handle multiple inheritance and discard the same classes. Parameters ---------- parent_cls : type The parent class. discard_abstract : bool, optional If True, abstract classes are not returned (default is False). include_parent : bool, optional If True, the parent class will be included, unless it is abstract and ``discard_abstract`` is ``True``. Returns ------- subclasses : set of type The set of all the classes inheriting from ``parent_cls``. """ subclasses = set() for subcls in parent_cls.__subclasses__(): if not (discard_abstract and inspect.isabstract(subcls)): subclasses.add(subcls) subclasses.update(find_all_subclasses(subcls, discard_abstract)) if include_parent and not inspect.isabstract(parent_cls): subclasses.add(parent_cls) return subclasses
[docs] def find_subclass(parent_cls, subcls_name): """Return the class called ``subcls_name`` inheriting from ``parent_cls``. Parameters ---------- parent_cls : type The parent class. subcls_name : str The name of the class inheriting from ``parent_cls``. Returns ------- subcls : type The class inheriting from ``parent_cls`` called ``subcls_name``. Raises ------ ValueError If there is no class or there are multiple classes called ``subcls_name`` that inherit from ``parent_cls``. """ subclasses = [] for subcls in find_all_subclasses(parent_cls): if subcls.__name__ == subcls_name: subclasses.append(subcls) if len(subclasses) == 0: raise ValueError('Could not find class {} inheriting from {}' ''.format(subcls_name, parent_cls)) if len(subclasses) > 1: raise ValueError('Found multiple classes inheriting from {}: {}' ''.format(parent_cls, subclasses)) return subclasses[0]
# ============================================================================= # RESTORABLE OPENMM OBJECT # ============================================================================= class RestorableOpenMMObjectError(Exception): """Raised when the object has a restorable hash but no matching class can be found.""" pass
[docs] class RestorableOpenMMObject(object): """Base class for restorable custom integrators and forces. Normally, a custom OpenMM object loses its specific class (and all its methods) when it is copied or deserialized from its XML representation. Class interfaces inheriting from this can be restored through the method ``restore_interface()``. Also, this class extend the copying functions to copy also Python attributes. The class automatically adds a global parameter or variable in custom forces and integrators respectively on __init__ to keep track of the original class. """ _cached_hash_subclasses = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RestorableOpenMMObject, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_global_parameter(self, self._hash_parameter_name, self._compute_class_hash(self.__class__))
@classmethod def is_restorable(cls, openmm_object): """Check if the custom integrator or force has a restorable interface. Parameters ---------- openmm_object : object The custom integrator or force to check. Returns ------- True if the object has a restorable interface, False otherwise. """ try: hash_parameter_name = cls._get_hash_parameter_name(openmm_object) cls._get_global_parameter(openmm_object, hash_parameter_name) except Exception: return False return True @classmethod def restore_interface(cls, openmm_object): """Restore the original interface of an OpenMM custom force or integrator. The function restore the methods of the original class that inherited from ``RestorableOpenMMObject``. Return False if the interface could not be restored. Parameters ---------- openmm_object : object The object to restore. Returns ------- True if the original class interface could be restored, False otherwise. """ try: hash_parameter_name = cls._get_hash_parameter_name(openmm_object) object_hash = cls._get_global_parameter(openmm_object, hash_parameter_name) except Exception: return False # Reload the hash table for all subclasses if there's no matching class. if object_hash not in cls._cached_hash_subclasses: all_subclasses = find_all_subclasses(parent_cls=cls, discard_abstract=True, include_parent=True) cls._cached_hash_subclasses = {cls._compute_class_hash(subcls): subcls for subcls in all_subclasses} # Retrieve object class. try: object_class = cls._cached_hash_subclasses[object_hash] except KeyError: raise RestorableOpenMMObjectError('Could not find a class matching ' 'the hash {}'.format(object_hash)) # Restore class interface. openmm_object.__class__ = object_class return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global parameters. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _hash_parameter_name(self): """The hash parameter name of this restorable object.""" return self._get_hash_parameter_name(self) @classmethod def _get_hash_parameter_name(cls, openmm_object): """Return the name of the openmm_object global variable containing the hash. As of OpenMM 7.2, it is impossible to create a context with an integrator having a global variable with the same name of a custom force. """ if cls._is_force(openmm_object): return '_restorable_force__class_hash' else: # Use _restorable__class_hash with integrators for backwards compatibility. return '_restorable__class_hash' @classmethod def _add_global_parameter(cls, openmm_object, parameter_name, parameter_value): """Add a new global parameter/variable to the OpenMM custom force/integrator. Parameters ---------- openmm_object : object The OpenMM custom integrator/force to which add the parameter. parameter_name : str The name of the global parameter. parameter_value : float The value of the global parameter. """ if cls._is_force(openmm_object): openmm_object.addGlobalParameter(parameter_name, parameter_value) else: openmm_object.addGlobalVariable(parameter_name, parameter_value) @classmethod def _get_global_parameter(cls, openmm_object, parameter_name): """Get a global parameter/variable from the OpenMM custom force/integrator. Parameters ---------- openmm_object : object The OpenMM integrator/force to which add the parameter. parameter_name : str The name of the global parameter. Returns ------- parameter_value : float The value of the global parameter. """ if cls._is_force(openmm_object): return cls._get_force_parameter_by_name(openmm_object, parameter_name) else: return openmm_object.getGlobalVariableByName(parameter_name) @classmethod def _get_force_parameter_by_name(cls, force, parameter_name): """Get a force global parameter default value from its name.""" for parameter_idx in range(force.getNumGlobalParameters()): if force.getGlobalParameterName(parameter_idx) == parameter_name: return force.getGlobalParameterDefaultValue(parameter_idx) raise KeyError('No parameter called {} in force {}'.format(parameter_name, force)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy and serialization utilities # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def deserialize_xml(cls, xml_serialization): """Shortcut to deserialize the XML representation and the restore interface. Parameters ---------- xml_serialization : str The XML representation of the OpenMM custom force/integrator. Returns ------- openmm_object The deserialized OpenMM force/integrator with the original interface restored (if restorable). """ openmm_object = openmm.XmlSerializer.deserialize(xml_serialization) cls.restore_interface(openmm_object) return openmm_object def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Overwrite implementation to copy class and attributes.""" return self.__copy__() def __copy__(self): """Overwrite implementation to copy class and attributes.""" copied_self = super(RestorableOpenMMObject, self).__copy__() # Assign correct class instead of OpenMM class. copied_self.__class__ = self.__class__ # Copy attributes. SWIG objects have only 1 attribute (this), # everything else is part of the implementation. attributes_self = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'this'} copied_self.__dict__.update(copy.deepcopy(attributes_self)) return copied_self # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal-usage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _is_force(openmm_object): """Return True if openmm_object is a force object, False if it is an integrator.""" if isinstance(openmm_object, openmm.Force): return True elif isinstance(openmm_object, openmm.CustomIntegrator): return False else: raise TypeError('Object of type {} is not supported.'.format(type(openmm_object))) @staticmethod def _compute_class_hash(openmm_class): """Return a numeric hash for the OpenMM class. The hash will become part of the OpenMM object serialization, so it is important for it consistent across processes in case the integrator is sent to a remote worker. The hash() built-in function is seeded by the PYTHONHASHSEED environmental variable, so we can't use it here. We also need to convert to float because some digits may be lost in the conversion. """ return float(zlib.adler32(openmm_class.__name__.encode()))
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()