Source code for


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Classes that store arbitrary NetCDF (or other) options and describe how to handle them


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import os
import abc

from .iodrivers import NetCDFIODriver

ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {})  # compatible with Python 2 *and* 3

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[docs]class StorageInterfaceDirVar(object): """ Storage Interface Directory/Variable (SIDV) class is a versatile, dynamic class which gives structure to the variables stored on disk by representing them as methods of the StorageInterface and other instances of itself. New variables and folders are created by simply trying to use them as properties of the class itself. The data stored and read is not kept in memory, the SIDV passes the data onto the writer or tells the fetcher to read from disk on demand. The API only shows the protected and internal methods of the SIDV class which cannot be used for variable and directory names. This class is NEVER meant to be used as its own object and should never be invoked by itself. The class is currently housed outside of the main StorageInterface class to show the API to users. Examples are located in the StorageInterface main class TODO: Move this class as an internal class of StorageInterface (NOT a subclass) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, storage_interface, predecessor=None): """ Parameters ---------- name : string Specify the name of the storage variable on the disk. Full path is determined from the predecessor chain storage_interface : StorageInterface instance Acting interface which is handling top level IO operations on the file itself The storage driver which handles all the commands is derived from this interface predecessor : StorageInterfaceDirVar Directory-like SIDV above this instance """ self._name = name self._storage_interface = storage_interface self._storage_driver = self._storage_interface.storage_driver self._predecessor = predecessor # Define the object this instance is attached to self._variable = None # initially undetermined if var or dir self._directory = None self._metadata_buffer = {}
""" USER FUNCTIONS Methods the user calls on SIDV variables to actually store and read data from disk. These cannot be names of child SIDV instances and will raise an error if you try to use them as such. """ def write(self, data, at_index=None): """ Write data to a variable which cannot be appended to or write data at a specific index of an appendable variable. This method is typically called when you do not want the value stored to change. The at_index flag should be an integer to specify that the appendable variable that this is should overwrite the data at the specific index. This method raises an error if this instance of SIDV is DIRECTORY Parameters ---------- data This is what will be written to disk, the data will be processed by the STORAGESYSTEM as to how to actually handle the data once the units have been stripped out and assigned to this instance of SIDV. at_index : int or None, default None Change the behavior or "write" to act on an appendable variable instead Replace the data at the specific index of at_index with data Checks for compatible data should be/are handled at the storage_driver level Examples -------- Store a numpy "eye" array to the variable "my_arr" >>> import numpy as np >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> my_store = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> x = np.eye(3) >>> my_store.my_arr.write(x) Save 2 entries of a list, then update the frist >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> my_store = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> x = [0,0,1] >>> my_store.the_list.append(x) >>> my_store.the_list.append(x) >>> y = [1,1,1] >>> my_store.the_list.write(y, at_index=0) """ if not self.bound_target: self._bind_to_variable_with_write_or_append() dump_metadata = False # Flag to dump metadata after write-protection check if not self._variable: path = self.path # Try to get already on disk variable try: self._variable = self._storage_driver.get_storage_variable(path) except KeyError: # Trap the "not present" case, AttributeErrors are larger problems self._variable = self._storage_driver.create_storage_variable(path, type(data)) self._directory = False dump_metadata = True # Protect variable if already written if dump_metadata: self._dump_metadata_buffer() self._variable.write(data, at_index=at_index) def append(self, data): """ Write data to a variable whose size changes every time this function is called. The first dimension of the variable on disk will be appended with data after checking the size. If no variable exists, one is created with a dynamic variable size for its first dimension, then the other dimensions are inferred from the data. This method raises an error if this instance of SIDV is DIRECTORY Parameters ---------- data : any data type This is what will be written to disk, the data will be processed by the STORAGESYSTEM as to how to actually handle the data once the units have been stripped out and assigned to this instance of SIDV. Examples -------- Store a single int several times in a variable that is inside a directory >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> my_store = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> x = 756 >>> my_store.IAmADir.AnInt.append(x) >>> my_store.IAmADir.AnInt.append(x+1) >>> my_store.IAmADir.AnInt.append(x+2) """ if not self.bound_target: self._bind_to_variable_with_write_or_append() if not self._variable: path = self.path # Try to get already on disk variable try: self._variable = self._storage_driver.get_storage_variable(path) except KeyError: # Trap the "not present" case, AttributeErrors are larger problems self._variable = self._storage_driver.create_storage_variable(path, type(data)) self._directory = False self._dump_metadata_buffer() self._variable.append(data) def read(self): """ Read the variable and its data from disk. If this instance is unbound to an object in the storage_handler or is DIRECTORY, then this method raises an error. Returns ------- data Data stored on VARIABLE read from disk and processed through the STORAGESYSTEM back into a Python type and possibly through the UNIT logic to recast into Quantity before being handed to the user. """ if not self.bound_target: self._bind_to_variable_with_read() if not self._variable: path = self.path # Try to get variable on disk try: self._variable = self._storage_driver.get_storage_variable(path) except KeyError as e: raise e self._directory = False return def add_metadata(self, name, data): """ Attempt to add metadata to the variable/directory. Usually a string input to include additional information about the variable. Because this can act on DIRECTORY or VARIABLE types, all metadata is buffered until this instance of SIDV is bound to an object on the file itself. This does not check if the metadata already exists and simply overwrites it if present. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the metadata variable. Since this is data we are directly attaching to the variable or directory itself, we do not make this another SIDV instance. data: What data you wish to attach to the `name`d metadata pointer. """ bound_target = self.bound_target if bound_target is None: self._metadata_buffer[name] = data else: self._storage_driver.add_metadata(name, data, path=self.path) """ PROTECTED FLAGS Used for functionality checks that will likely never be called by the user, but exposed to show what names can NOT be used in the dynamic directory/variable namespace a user will generate. """ @property def variable(self): """ Checks if the object can be used in the .write, .append, .read functions can be used. Once this is set, this instance cannot be converted to a directory type. Returns ------- variable_pointer : None or storage_driver specific unit of storage Returns None if this instance is a directory, or if its functionality has not been determined yet (this includes the variable not being assigned yet). Returns the storage_driver specific variable that this instance is bound to once assigned """ return self._variable @property def directory(self): """ Checks if the object can be used as a directory for accepting other SIDV objects. Once this is True or bound, the ``.write``, ``.append``, and ``.read`` functions are locked out. Returns ------- directory_pointer : None, True, or storage_driver specific directory of storage Returns None if this instance is a variable, or if its functionality has not been determined yet. Returns True if this SIDV will be a directory, but is not yet bound. i.e. has additional SIDV children spawned by ``__getattr__`` method. Returns the storage_driver specific directory that this instance is bound to once assigned """ return self._directory @property def path(self): """ Generate the complete path of this instance by getting its predecessor's path + itself. This is a cascading function up the stack of SIDV's until the top level attached to the main SI instance is reached, then reassembled on the way down. Returns ------- full_path : string The complete path of this variable as it is seen on the storage file_name, returned as / separated values. """ # Cascade the path if self.predecessor is not None: path = self.predecessor.path + ('/' + # the parenthesis just makes it a little faster else: path = return path @property def predecessor(self): """ Give the parent SIDV to construct the full path on the way down Returns ------- predecessor : None or StorageInterfaceDirVar instance Returns this instance's parent SIDV instance or None if it is the top level SIDV. """ return self._predecessor @property def name(self): """ Pointer to this directory or variable as it will appear on the disk Returns ------- name : string """ return self._name @property def bound_target(self): """ Fetch the handler for the bound target, either the directory or the variable so that the user can directly manipulate the handler has they need. Returns ------- handler : bound handler of the storage_driver's variable or None returns None if the target is not bound """ if self._variable: target = self._variable elif self._directory is not None and self._directory is not True: target = self._directory else: target = None return target def _check_variable(self): # Check if we are a variable or directory if self._directory: # None and False will both ignore this raise AttributeError("Cannot write/append/read on a directory-like object!") def _check_directory(self): # Check that we can be made into a directory and are not already a variable if self._variable: # None and False will both ignore this raise AttributeError("Cannot take directory actions on a variable object!") def _bind_to_variable_with_write_or_append(self): self._check_variable() # Check instanced storage driver, accessing its protected ability to bind write/append (user should not do this) if self._predecessor is not None: self._predecessor._set_predecessor_as_directory(create_if_missing=True) def _check_read_file(self): """Check that the file exists before trying to read""" file_name = self._storage_interface.file_name if not os.path.isfile(file_name): raise NameError("No such file exists at {}! Cannot read from non-existent file!".format(file_name)) def _bind_to_variable_with_read(self): """Check that we are not a directory and all predecessors can read as well""" self._check_variable() if self._predecessor is not None: self._predecessor._set_predecessor_as_directory(create_if_missing=False) def _dump_metadata_buffer(self): """Dump the metadata buffer to file, this is only ever called once bound""" for key in self._metadata_buffer.keys(): data = self._metadata_buffer[key] self.add_metadata(key, data) self._metadata_buffer = {} def _set_predecessor_as_directory(self, create_if_missing=None): """Special function executed by the child on the predecessor to cast predecessor as directory""" if create_if_missing is None: # create_if_missing is a kwarg instead of arg because _set_predecessor_as_directory(False) is confusing raise KeyError("create_if_missing must be a bool!") self._check_directory() if not create_if_missing: self._check_read_file() if self._directory is None or self._directory is True: self._directory = self._storage_driver.get_directory(self.path, create=create_if_missing) if create_if_missing: self._dump_metadata_buffer() def __getattr__(self, name): """This method is only called if __getattribute__ fails, meaning that the attribute is not already defined""" if self._variable: raise AttributeError("Cannot convert this object to a directory as its already bound to a variable!") if not self._directory: # Assign directory features self._directory = True setattr(self, name, StorageInterfaceDirVar(name, self._storage_interface, predecessor=self)) return getattr(self, name)
# ============================================================================= # STORAGE INTERFACE # =============================================================================
[docs]class StorageInterface(object): """ This class interfaces with a StorageIODriver class to internally hold what folders and variables are known to the file on the disk, and dynamically creates them on the fly. Any attempt to reference a property which is not explicitly listed below implies that you wish to define either a storage directory or variable, and creates a new StorageInterfaceVarDir (SIVD) with that name. The SIVD is what handles the read/write operations on this disk by interfacing with the StorageIODriver object you provide StorageInterface class's __init__. See StorageInterfaceVarDir for how the dynamic interfacing works. Examples -------- Create a basic storage interface and write new my_data to disk >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> my_data = [4,2,1,6] >>> my_storage = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> my_storage.my_variable.write(my_data) Create a folder called "vardir" with two variables in it, "var1" and "var2" holding DATA1 and DATA2 respectively Then, fetch data from the same folders and variables as above >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> DATA1 = "some string" >>> DATA2 = (4.5, 7.0, -23.1) >>> my_storage = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> my_storage.vardir.var1.write(DATA1) >>> my_storage.vardir.var2.write(DATA2) >>> var1 = >>> var2 = Run some_function() to generate data over an iteration, store each value in a dynamically sized var called "looper" >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> mydata = [-1, 24, 5] >>> my_storage = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> for i in range(10): ... mydata = i**2 ... my_storage.looper.append(mydata) """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_driver): """ Initialize the class by reading in the StorageIODriver in storage_driver. The file name is inferred from the storage driver and the read/write/append actions are handled by the SIVD class which also act on the storage_driver. Parameters ---------- storage_driver : StorageIODriver object What type of storage to use. Requires fully implemented and instanced StorageIODriver class to use. """ self._storage_driver = storage_driver
# Used for logic checks def add_metadata(self, name, data): """ Write additional meta data to attach to the storage_driver file itself. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the attribute you wish to assign data : any, but preferred string Extra meta data to add to the variable Examples -------- Create a storage interface and add meta data >>> my_driver = NetCDFIODriver('') >>> my_storage = StorageInterface(my_driver) >>> my_storage.add_metadata('my_index', 4) """ # Instance if not done self.storage_driver.add_metadata(name, data) @property def file_name(self): """ Returns the protected _file_name variable, mentioned as an explicit method as it is one of the protected names that cannot be a directory or variable pointer Returns ------- file_name : string Name of the file on the disk """ return self.storage_driver.file_name @property def storage_driver(self): """ Pointer to the object which actually handles read/write operations Returns ------- storage_driver : Instance of the module which handles IO actions to specific storage type requested by storage_driver string at initialization. """ return self._storage_driver def __getattr__(self, name): """ Workhorse function to handle all the auto-magical path and variable assignments This method is only called if __getattribute__ fails, meaning that the attribute is not already defined Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the group or variable that will instance a StorageInterfaceDirVar """ # Instance Storage Interface Directory/Variable object setattr(self, name, StorageInterfaceDirVar(name, self)) return getattr(self, name)